Tag: Cancer

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FECO/RSO and Cancer

Rebecca Mooshi shares her personal story of seeking alternative options when her breast cancer recurred.

The Ultimate Guide To CBD Oil Dosage

Wondering what’s the proper CBD oil dosage? We have some answers.

Cancer, Bone Marrow Registry, and CBD’s Therapeutic Potential

This week’s episode shares Erik Sauer’s story. His life was turned upside down when he was diagnosed with Leukemia at 36. What he didn’t know was a stranger from Germany would be his bone marrow match and save his life. Now, he’s the founder of ThereGoesMyHero.org, a non-profit that provides support to those diagnosed with Leukemia and encourages others to join the donor registry. Unfortunately, when Erik was diagnosed in 2007, medical marijuana and CBD oil did not have the support it has today in alleviating the side effects from chemotherapy. Dr. Ben Gonzalez tells us of CBD’s therapeutic potential and recent studies showing its ability to modulate cancer cells.

A Quick Synopsis of CBD History and Research

Cannabis is one of the first plants ever documented for use in medicine about 5000 years ago!

Celebrating Life On National Cancer Survivors Day

Two cancer survivors are featured, including Steven’s mother, Janet Walman, who discusses how CBD has helped her overcome sleep difficulties post-diagnosis. Frequent guest of the show, Dr Ben Gonzalez, affectionately known as “Dr G” is himself a bone can

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