Anxiety, stress, insomnia, motherhood…and cbd? Moms can use a little help these days- the usual stressors have only been amplified during pandemic times. How’s a mom to cope? And how can one go from coping to thriving? We are joined by Dr. Aimée Gould Shunney, a naturopathic doctor who includes cbd in her holistic approach to healing. With 20 years of experience as a practitioner, Dr. Shunney is well versed in the health and wellness challenges that her patients experience. She shares her expertise, insights and solutions- including the role of cbd in her approach to managing various conditions in women, pregnant moms, children and people of every kind. Using cbd along with diet, exercise, lifestyle, meditation and grounding in nature, she has found that cbd feeds our endocannabinoid system which helps manage stress response. Cbd supports healthy sleep, regulates moods and improves general health. Dr. Shunney shares how her patients have benefited from cbd on their journeys to better health, calling it a “game changer” for her patients. After personally experimenting with cbd for insomnia and achieving results, she began to recommend it to her patients. Now, Dr. Shunney is considered an expert in cbd. She recommends cbd for conditions such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, pain, inflammation, chronic illness and neurological disorders. With few downsides to cbd, she feels like it’s a safe and effective approach for most people. Mailsack is extra special today with updates from our chiropractor friends- news about topicals, cbd for pets and a preview of potential new products from Max and Steven.