CBD Q&A with a Physician

Understanding CBD with Max & Steven
Understanding CBD with Max & Steven
CBD Q&A with a Physician

CBD for sleep, anxiety, weight management, headaches, arthritis, working out, gut health… Is CBD the cure for everything? No. Is it a tool in the toolbox for better health? Yes. Dr. Ben González joins Max and Steven for a Q&A session to answer all the questions including his insights on how physicians view CBD as a treatment modality and the current views and opinions about CBD by the medical establishment. Doc G explains the evidence based research surrounding the adjunct functions of CBD in supporting healing. He takes questions, gives advice and shares some pro-tips for using cbd topically to assist in treating skin conditions ranging from pimples to rashes to burns. Doc G answers questions from callers about treating chronic pain, using cbd with other natural herbs and explains how cbd interacts with the endocannabinoid system to bring calm and equilibrium to the body. From headaches to joint pain and everything in between, Doc G shares his expertise with our listeners.

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