CBD and Neurological Conditions With Rona Rosenbaum of the Maryland Association for Parkinson Support (MAPS)

Understanding CBD with Max & Steven
Understanding CBD with Max & Steven
CBD and Neurological Conditions With Rona Rosenbaum of the Maryland Association for Parkinson Support (MAPS)

A trio of CBD successes during home quarantine: Host Gary Stein successfully treats a nagging back injury; Max keeps anxiety at bay while Steven uses CBD to curb his appetite. Rona Rosenbaum, President and Board Chair of the Maryland Association for Parkinson Support (MAPS) discusses the symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease, and how caregivers for patients have shown much interest in using CBD to manage restless leg syndrome, improve sleep quality, reduce involuntary movements and help patients feel more calm. Plus, learn what the endocannabinoid system is, what it does, and what the best CBD is for nourishing it.

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