An Absolutely Amazing Miraculous Minnesota Mom’s Mitzvah!

Understanding CBD with Max & Steven
Understanding CBD with Max & Steven
An Absolutely Amazing Miraculous Minnesota Mom’s Mitzvah!

Max and Steven are live in studio on Mother’s Day and introduce Victoria, of Chanhassen, MN. Victoria describes how cannabis sativa miraculously helped her son recover from debilitating autoimmune encephalitis. After several doctors could not pinpoint why her son transformed overnight from a sweet, affectionate child into an aggressive, alarmingly self-harming teenager, Victoria took it upon herself to “get her son back.” Do yourself a favor and listen to this ultimately uplifting and inspiring story about one doggedly-determined mom’s attempt to find relief for her son. Plus, Dr G discusses CBD and pregnancy, and Megan from K & S Chiropractic (Owings Mills and Eldersburg) shares her own inspiring CBD stories.

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