The Entourage Effect of CBD & Terpenes
Terpenes are the organic substances that provide aroma to essential oils and every single plant on Earth.
Terpenes are the organic substances that provide aroma to essential oils and every single plant on Earth.
If a safe and legal natural substance was shown in research studies to extend lifespan by almost 20%, would you start taking it?
What is CBD’s role in gut health? The endocannabinoid system is a natural system that we all have in our body and it’s there to keep our body in a state of homeostasis and balance. It oversees a number of important biological functions, appetite, inflammation, mood and even motor control.
Extreme seasonal depression or ‘winter blues’ is actually a diagnosis called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
CBD is the most important natural medicine, and here’s why. Did you know that many chiropractors actually work with or advocate for CBD?
Preliminary studies show promise for CBD as a therapeutic agent for respiratory distress associated with Covid-19. Here’s how…
Learn about the potential use of CBD oil for carpal tunnel syndrome and how CBD can work as an anti-inflammatory.
Pain management is a critical part of caring for patients who have arthritis and chronic joint pain. According to a survey carried out by the Arthritis Foundation, 29 percent of Americans use CBD for pain in their joints. If you have recently been diagnosed with arthritis, then you may have heard about using CBD oil for arthritis too. The question, however, is how effective is it? In this blog, we will be discussing whether CBD can help reduce arthritic pain.
HindsightRX | 10421 Stevenson Road. #254. Stevenson, MD 21153
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