CBD 101

Welcome! And congratulations on taking your first step toward learning more about CBD.

Over the years we have met many people just like you, in person, online, or over the phone. We know you have a lot of questions and maybe even some concerns. Here’s a great place to get started with the basics about CBD.

CBD: A naturally occurring compound

CBD is extracted from the flower of the cannabis plant. Unlike the cannabis that people smoke, CBD does not make you high, but it does have the potential to provide some powerful health effects, which is why scientists are spending so much time studying it.

Any way you like it—but do your research

When you start shopping around, you’ll see that there are many different CBD products: oils, edibles, creams, among other forms. The best products are evaluated by a third-party lab—you can learn how to assess that information here.

Note that there are no hard and fast rules about how much CBD to take. Most people start with a small amount and work up from there until they get the results they’re looking for. (We’ve put together an easy guide to help you get started here.)

Something for everyone

CBD is popular with people from all walks of life, at any age. Some people start looking into CBD to help a family member—a spouse or a child—while others find that it’s terrific for their pets.

One product, many uses

As research evolves, we learn more and more exciting news about CBD. We also hear a lot from people who have tried CBD and enjoy using it to support all manner of wellness, including for anxiety, sleep issues, chronic pain, weight loss, and general wellbeing.

Yup, it’s legal

The government is now on board: CBD products are considered safe and legal, just like any other wellness product on the market.

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Start exploring our articles, scroll through our FAQs, or check out the latest podcast of our radio show. Or just get in touch!
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