CBD Entering the Mainstream Medical Conversation

Understanding CBD with Max & Steven
Understanding CBD with Max & Steven
CBD Entering the Mainstream Medical Conversation

A special “Father’s Day” edition of “Understanding CBD”, gets off to a raucous start when Darlene from Essex, MD divulges that her doctor said the reason why CBD worked for her severe arthritis was because it made her high! Oh doc, please be better than that. Hey, speaking of that, does it get any better than hemp industry pioneer Eric Steenstra joining Max and Steven to talk about his 20+ year crusade to bring CBD into the mainstream medical conversation? Evelyn gives her “Can I Get a Witness” testimony on how much better her bothersome ankle feels after just one topical dose of CBD. Listen in on why Max and Steven call her a “boomerang”! Meanwhile, Anna from Storehouse Dispensary dishes on the noticeable changes (for the better) in her dog’s behavior since she tried CBD. She loves her little dog…And Doc G’s in his Corner yet again, with an anecdote about one of his patients, anxious about missing a doctor’s appointment because of Covid. He recommended she try CBD to calm herself and…tune in for the conclusion!!!

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